Did you throw all your resolutions out the door already? Are you frustrated because by February you broke most of them? I can guarantee you are not alone… in fact, it’s already been 7 weeks since the year started, and I suspect you may not even care anymore, and who has the time or energy to still care? But don’t lose hope, I’ve learned the hard way through the years, how to do one or two things that help me get better each year without expecting that I will change EVERYTHING that needs to be fixed in one year. 

My only secret is that instead of starting the year all gun-ho and rearing to go, ready to face the new year full of enthusiasm and energy to lose those 10 pounds, not have that second glass of wine, or buy that awesome Michael Kors purse in Steinmart (but it’s 40% off here!) that I don’t need, I start slowly… I start cutting back gently, giving myself time to get used to a little less of what I really want, two weeks at a time… less cookies, less wine, less hot crunchy buttered French bread … then next thing you know, bang… I’ve lost 1-2 pounds (wow!), I’ve gone to the gym one more time per week than I normally do (for a grand total of once a week), and … no, wait… we have that 3 day cruise… the food, so much of it.. the drinks… always available… ☹ is it 2020 yet?